Consultation Workshop to Develop Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Training Curriculum Framework
14th June 2017: The Rural Development Training Centre (RDTC) in Zhemgang under Ministry of Agriculture and Forest (MoAF) is in the process of developing framework for RDTC training Curriculum and modules. The RDTC strives to go Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) with the financial assistance of Bhutan Trust Fund for Environment and Conservation (BTFEC), towards achieving sustainable development guided by the Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) concept and its 3 pillars– productivity, adaptation and mitigation. The CSA Curriculum framework developed through the consultative process involving participants from different agencies under MoAF drafted through two rounds of meetings at Namsey Chhoiling Resort at Paro. The consultation process is also guided professionally by Mr. Wangpo Tenzin, Curriculum Development Specialist (CDE), from Education Council (engaged as a Curriculum Expert) and Mr. Chhimi Dorji, Local Consultancy Firm, in Thimphu (as a technical expert) in Agriculture. The first round of consultative meeting was held in 30th and 31st March 2017. The second two days’ meeting concluded on 15th June 2017 with satisfaction in the hearts of all for their shared contribution, and anticipate to develop trade specific training modules, mainly under broad categories of Livestock, Agriculture and Non Wood Forest Products, sometimes in September 2017. The RDTC Noble intention to serve our rural farming communities to making agriculture practices climate resilient and boost productivity and livelihood. In the long run, it curbs rural to urban migration and creates employment for youths in their respective communities... Read more...
Artificial Insemination (A.I) Refresher Course underway for AI Technicians of East Central Region (RCR)
13 June 2017: An Artificial Insemination (A.I) refresher Course is taking place at the Rural Development Training Centre (RDTC), Zhemgang since yesterday for AI technicians of the East Central Region. This programme will go on for a period of ten days and it will conclude on 21 June, 2017. The programme is organized by Regional Livestock Development Centre with the help resource person from National dairy Centre (NDC). Dasho Dzongdag, Zhemgang Dzongkhag kindly graced the opening session. In his opening speech, Dasho Dzongdag urged the participants that the Agricultural development is the backbone of our nation of which the dairy sector plays an important role in support of food nutrition through various product development from milk such as butter, Cheese, Yogurt, Ghee, curd and so on. Thus, it is equally important to maintain good quality of animal breeds at the farming level to increase production and enhance cash income to the communities. It is therefore, mandatory for the A.I technicians working at field level to upgrade their knowledge and skills to deliver the best services to the needy clients.
According to the spoke person from RLDC, Genetic improvement of cattle has been a major force for making advances in dairy cattle profitability during the last few decades. During the 11th Five Year Plan (2013-2018), the Department of Livestock aims to meet the dairy production target of 50 000 MT. This is to substitute the import of dairy and attain self-sufficiency in dairy products. Artificial Insemination technology has been introduced in a planned manner since 1987 and is the most effective and popular tool for maximum exploitation of genetically superior animals (Sires). However, faulty insemination techniques, failure to detect exact time for inseminations and quality of frozen semen etc. were observed in the field.
The training is being conducted by a specialist from NDRC, Yusipang. According to the Specialist, the ECR region has added advantages to attend such refresher course and this is the 3rd batch training mainly because of the continuous support of Rural Livelihood Project (RLP) and RLDC Zhemgang in particular to support the programme. Further, RDTC as the training Centre has been playing important roles to support such training with the available resources in place. The AI technicians/AI focal persons of the East-Central Region Dzongkhags of Bumthang, Trongsa, Zhemgang, and Sarpang are attending the course to improve the skills of their skills and keep them abreast of the changing technology. Certificates will be awarded to the participants at the end of the program.
Compiled by
Dorji Wangdi
Director (a.i)
RDTC Zhemgang
Summer School Agriculture Training and Awareness Programme (2017)
(Developing the Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes of Youth to further Food Security and Nutrition)
To encourage youth involvement in agriculture, RDTC during school breaks provide youth awareness and training programme for about hundred students of classes from seven to eleven or age between 15 to 24. The programme aims to improve nutrition, environmental awareness and food traditions through the establishment of school gardens, poultry, dairy, piggery and mushroom farming. Students also learn about food processing and post harvest of fruits and vegetables, and other aspects of farm economics and agribusiness. The students will also gain practical experiences through already established farms e.g. poultry, dairy, piggery, mushroom,
fruits and vegetable farms in RDTC.The programme is tentatively scheduled from 17th to 29th July 2017 in accordance with the summer break of the schools in Bhutan...Read more.
Consultative Workshop on Animal Nutrition, under DoL
A two days’ Consultative Workshop on Animal Nutrition was conducted at Rural Development Training Centre (RDTC) from 25th to 27th May, 2017, Zhemgang. The workshop reviewed the feed and fodder development programs implemented in the country and deliberated various issues related to Animal Nutrition and the challenges. The workshop also prioritized new activities including Animal Nutrition Research and development, to come up with appropriate strategies to spearhead impact oriented Animal nutrition program in the 12th Five Year Plan. The animal nutrition is one of the crucial components of livestock production system and plays vital role in success of any Livestock development Enterprises in the country. About forty officials from central programs under Department of livestock and Dzongkhags attended the workshop. The workshop was Chaired by the Chief of the Animal Nutrition Division under the Department of Livestock (DoL) and attended by the Regional Directors from four livestock development Centers and other relevant officials. According to the participants, the RDTC provided condusive environment for the workshop as the Centre is equipped with adequate infrastructural development and facilities with favorable climatic condition. The training Centre provided accommodation, meeting hall, dinning hall and basic facilities as required. The RDTC is also looking forward to host such meeting/workshop in near future and the accommodation in the training dormitory is also expected to improve from the coming financial year-2017-2018.
Reported by
(Dorji Wangdi)
Director (a,i),
RDTC Zhemgang
Community Leaders Training for Farmers Group and Cooperatives
A 6 days long Community Leaders Training is underway with 25 participants from different gewogs of Sarpang and Zhemgang. The Hon’ble Dasho Dzongdag of Zhemgang graced the opening ceremony as the Chief Guest. In his opening remarks, Dasho spoke on the importance of having self sufficiency in food grains and livestock products, ‘toh dang tshem, literally meaning food and curry’ sufficiency. Our farming communities are still facing shortage of farm labourers to be engaged in agricultural activities. Due to rough terrains and lack of adequate transportation facilities, there is less opportunities for the farmers to go for commercial farming through mechanized farming practices. The other challenge is on the marketing of agricultural products and RAMCO establishment is expected to improve the delivery of marketing support.
We are still dependant on the import of Amul butter and Cheese from India. The sale of eggs in the market seems to have limited scope unless there is value addition to the eggs. On the other side, cardamom marketing is limited to India with involvement of few middlemen and traders.
There are 9 female participants representing their groups. The training program organized with funding from the Rural Livelihood Project started from 15th May and will come to an end on the 20th May, 2017.The participants comprising of executive members from diverse agricultural and livestock farming groups are being trained on the 6 modules of CLT: Conflict Management, Leadership, Planning, Meeting Management, Record keeping and Book keeping. It is expected that after the training, the participants will be more proactive and work with added enthusiasm to effectively run their group activities.